Dealing with the drought may seem a crazy idea in many parts of our country for areas who have received torrential rain recently. But most news reports are focusing on the west coast issue of severe drought – especially here in California, a state that is experiencing its 4th year of official drought.

Dealing With The Drought

Image From Houzz

Drought conditions are common place in other states such as Arizona and Nevada, but the official word is out in most cities here in the west asking residents to cut back dramatically in order to conserve water. City planners are asking residents to re-think, re-plan and design residential and commercial landscape to accommodate less thirsty plants and water wise hardscape. In some places, rebates are being offered to residents to pull out lawns and replace with drought-tolerant landscaping.

But whether out of necessity or desire to be water-wise, drought-tolerant landscaping is beautiful, functional and appears to be a growing and permanent approach to landscape and hardscape design.

One important thing to keep in mind when removing lawns, is to consult with a landscape specialist who can advise you on your other plants surrounding the lawn. Trees and shrubs draw natural water from lawn areas. Once the green area is gone, these other plants & trees may suffer. According to landscape architect Mia Lehrer, 3 years from now, the rest of your landscape may be noticeably effected.

One of our favorite sites for design ideas is Under Ideabooks “Saving Water” you’ll find many articles on design as well as access to contractors, and landscape suppliers such as Monarch Stone International, who can assist you with permeable hardscape material and plantings!